2016年1月7日 星期四

前往英國蘇格蘭愛丁堡的台灣耳鼻喉科醫學會代表團 A Delegation of Taiwan Otolaryngological Society to Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom

陽明大學腦科學博士/國軍桃園總醫院耳鼻喉科主任    郭錦龍  醫師

與Matthew Yung教授合照
Figure 1 Professor Matthew Yung and me

2 受邀為國際科學委員會成員之一
Figure 2   Being invited to be a member of the International Scientific Committee


本人及台北榮總耳鼻喉部部主任蕭安穗教授很榮幸受到「第10屆國際珍珠瘤暨耳科手術大會(Chole 2016)」大會會長Matthew Yung教授的邀請(1),成為國際科學委員會(International Scientific Committee )成員之一(2)。這個會議是每4年才舉辦一次的世界耳科大會,可說是國際上最高等級的耳科世界大會,受到各國耳鼻喉科醫師的高度重視。此次會議將於今年65日至8日在英國蘇格蘭愛丁堡舉辦 (3)
Professor An-Suey Shiao and I were honorably to be invited to be members of the International Scientific Committee of the 10th International Conference on Cholesteatoma and Ear Surgery (Chole 2016) by the President of the Assembly, Professor Matthew Yung (Figure 1 and 2). The conference is an international otological conference held once every four years. ENT physicians in each country highly praise the conference as it represents the highest level of meeting in otology. The conference will be held in Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom from June 5 to 8 this year (Figure 3).

 此次會議將於今年65日至8日在英國蘇格蘭愛丁堡舉辦 。 
Figure 3 The conference will be held in Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom from June 5 to 8 this year.

愛丁堡(Edinburgh)是英國蘇格蘭首府(4),在英國也是僅次於倫敦的第二大金融中心及第二大旅遊城市,全市人口近50萬人。愛丁堡被公認為全歐洲最美的城市之一,它有著悠久的歷史,許多歷史建築亦完好保存下來(56)。此外,這裡有一間非常特別的咖啡廳叫作「大象的房屋(The Elephant House)」,英國作家J.K羅琳就是在這間咖啡廳完成哈利波特的第一本小說。現在這間咖啡廳已然成為「哈迷」必訪的重要景點。
Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland, United Kingdom (Figure 4). It is the second largest financial center as well as tourist attraction in United Kingdom, only secondary to London. The population of the city is nearly five hundred thousand. Edinburgh has been considered one of the the most beautiful cities in Europe. It is a time-honored city full of rich culture and history, where several historic buildings are well preserved (Figure 5 and 6). In addition, you can visit a special café in Edinburgh, The Elephant House, in which J. K. Rowling wrote the first Harry Potter novel. Now the café has become a must-visit tourist attraction for fans of Harry Potter.

Figure 4 Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland, United Kingdom.

Figure 5 Edinburgh Night. Edinburgh has been considered one of the the most beautiful cities in Europe.

圖6 愛丁堡全景。愛丁堡有著悠久的歷史,許多歷史建築亦完好保存下來。
Figure 6 Edinburgh Panorama. Edinburgh is a time-honored city full of rich culture and history, where several historic buildings are well preserved.

應大會會長的邀請,我特別向蕭安穗主任、台灣耳鼻喉科理事長蕭自佑教授提案,以台灣的名義在大會中主辦一場研討會(theme symposium)。我提議的主題是以台灣健保資料庫來探討耳科領域的重要議題,獲得兩位教授的支持及大會會長的高度肯定(7),因為健保資料庫是台灣在世界上一項珍貴的研究資產。
As per the request of the President of the Assembly, I proposed a theme symposium to Professor An-Suey Shiao and Professor Tzu-Yu Hsiao (the President of Taiwan Otolaryngological Society) regarding otological issues on the basis of National Health Insurance Research Database in Taiwan, on behave of Taiwan Otolaryngological Society. My proposal gained support from Professor An-Suey Shiao and Professor Tzu-Yu Hsiao, and it was also highly recommended by Professor Matthew Yung (Figure 7) as Taiwan National Health Insurance Research Database is a valuable research asset in the world.

圖7 本人提議以台灣健保資料庫來探討耳科領域的重要議題,獲得大會會長Matthew Yung教授的高度肯定。
Figure 7 The proposal for a theme symposium on the otological issues based on Taiwan National Health Insurance Research Database was highly recommended by Professor Matthew Yung.

台灣代表團將由蕭安穗教授擔任團長,台灣的研討會場次已經確定在201668日上午8點至9點舉行(8)。主題是「以族群為基礎之耳科流行病學研究(Population-based studies in otologic epidemiology)」。目前已經有5位醫師將與會報告。在各國醫學會極力爭取以國家名義於大會中主辦一場研討會的情況下,這場以台灣為名義的研討會能夠被4年舉辦一次的世界大會接受實屬不易,對於台灣學術地位及曝光度有相當程度的提升。
The Taiwan delegation will be headed by Professor An-Suey Shiao. Our theme symposium has been scheduled at 8:00 on June 8, 2016 (Figure 8). Five doctors will report their studies in the symposium. The topic of the symposium is “Population-based Studies in Otologic Epidemiology”. It is indeed our national honor to offer a theme symposium in the Name of Taiwan, in particular several countries competed for the honor of holding a symposium in the World Congress in the name of their countries. We believe the symposium on behave of Taiwan Otolaryngological Society is beneficial to raising the academic achievement for Taiwan researchers.

圖8 台灣的研討會場次已經確定在201668日上午8點至9點舉行
Figure 8 Our theme symposium has been scheduled at 8:00 on June 8, 2016.

As one of doctors in Taiwan, I sincerely hope that physicians join the prestigious international conference! In this World Congress, you will realize the hot topics in the field of otology, and you will also gain skills and updated knowledge about otology from experts in the world. In a busy clinical practice, traveling abroad on business, in particular in the most beautiful city in Europe, is definitely a good way for clinicians to relax and release the clinical pressure. A gentle reminder is that the deadline for abstract submission is February 12, and that the deadline for early bird offer registration is February 29. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

